Tooth decay is one of the most pervasive diseases of our time

Tooth decay is one of the most pervasive diseases of our time but modern dentistry has made major strides in the battle against cavities. Based on years of scientific and clinical research, dentists are now moving towards an approach to dental caries (tooth decay) management that is tailored to your personal risk rather than a “one size fits all.”
The previous method of “drilling and filling” to treat decay does not actually change the conditions that lead to the disease and the risk for further infection still remains. By profiling the degree of risk and implementing individualized preventive strategies, today’s dental professionals are using a more proactive approach — that works.

Dental Decay
A Dynamic Infectious Disease Process
The mouth is an ecosystem — living organisms continually interact with every other element in their environment. The teeth are composed of an outer covering of enamel, a highly mineralized crystalline structure composed mainly of calcium and phosphate. They are also bathed in a remarkable fluid — saliva, which plays a crucial role in maintaining a neutral environment or balance between the acids and bases in your mouth.
Acidity is measured by the pH scale, which ranges from 1 – 14. A pH value of 1 is extremely acidic while a pH value of 14 is extremely basic. The pH of the mouth is generally 7 — neutral.
Specific acid producing (acidogenic) bacteria attach themselves to dental plaque, the whitish sticky biofilm that collects and forms on the teeth. When you eat sugars or carbohydrates, these particular bacteria break down the sugars and produce acid as a by-product, which also makes the mouth more acid. At about pH 5.5, the minerals just below the enamel surface of the teeth begin to dissolve or “de-mineralize.” During this process, more calcium and phosphate leave the surface of the teeth than enter it — the first step in the decay process. And because the layer beneath the enamel, and the roots of teeth are made of dentin, which is softer than enamel, it is more susceptible to decay. For example, the roots of an exposed tooth will de-mineralize quickly and easily with even weak acids at pH 6.2 – 6.8, which is closer to neutral saliva.
Disease Indicators
Disease Indicators work by showing you what could happen based on what has happened. Identifying them includes the use of modern dentistry’s most sophisticated tools for early diagnosis of decay. They include:
* Visible cavities (decay) that is visible in teeth ranging from very early (microscopic) detection using, for example, laser technology, to cavities that are visible to the naked eye.
*X-ray pictures show early decay that is visible by using today’s highly sensitive yet low dosage x-rays.
*White spot lesions are the first sign of decay in the contacting areas of adjacent teeth that are often reversible with fluorides.
Cavities within the last 3 years — any previous cavities add to your risk.

Tooth Extraction procedure and post instruction

Is Tooth Extraction Painful?
What is Post Extraction Instructions?

Reasons for Pulling Teeth
Although permanent teeth were meant to last a lifetime, there are a number of reasons why tooth extraction may be needed. A very common reason involves a tooth that is too badly damaged, from trauma or decay, to be repaired.

Other reasons include:
A crowded mouth. Sometimes dentists pull teeth to prepare the mouth for orthodontia. The goal of orthodontia is to properly align the teeth, which may not be possible if your teeth are too big for your mouth. Likewise, if a tooth cannot break through the gum (erupt) because there is not room in the mouth for it, our dentist may recommend pulling it.

Infection. If tooth decay or damage extends to the pulp — the center of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels — bacteria in the mouth can enter the pulp, leading to infection. Often this can be corrected with root canal therapy (RCT), but if the infection is so severe that antibiotics or RCT do not cure it, extraction may be needed to prevent the spread of infection.

Risk of infection. If your immune system is compromised (for example, if you are receiving chemotherapy or are having an organ transplant), even the risk of infection in a particular tooth may be reason enough to pull the tooth.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease . If periodontal disease — an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth — have caused loosening of the teeth, it may be necessary to the pull the tooth or teeth.

What to Expect With Tooth Extraction
Dentists and oral surgeons perform tooth extractions. Before pulling the tooth, we will give you an injection of a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. If you are having more than one tooth pulled or if a tooth is impacted, our dentist may use a strong general anesthetic. This will prevent pain throughout your body and make you sleep through the procedure.
If the tooth is impacted, the dentist will cut away gum and bone tissue that cover the tooth and then, using forceps, grasp the tooth and gently rock it back and forth to loosen it from the jaw bone and ligaments that hold it in place. Sometimes, a hard-to-pull tooth must be removed in pieces.Once the tooth has been pulled, a blood clot usually forms in the socket. The dentist will pack a gauze pad into the socket and have you bite down on it to help stop the bleeding. Sometimes the dentist will place a few stitches — usually self-dissolving — to close the gum edges over the extraction site.

After You’ve Had a Tooth Pulled
Following an extraction, we will send you home to recover. Recovery typically takes a few days. The following can help minimize discomfort, reduce the risk of infection, and speed recovery.
* Take painkillers as prescribed.
* Bite firmly but gently on the gauze pad placed by your dentist to reduce bleeding and allow a clot to form in the tooth socket. Change gauze pads before they become soaked with blood. Otherwise, leave the pad in place for three to four hours after the extraction.
* Apply an ice bag to the affected area immediately after the procedure to keep down swelling. Apply ice for 10 minutes at a time.
* Relax for at least 24 hours after the extraction. Limit activity for the next day or two.
* Avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully for 24 hours after the extraction to avoid dislodging the clot that forms in the socket.
* After 24 hours, rinse with your mouth with a solution made of 1/2 teaspoon salt and 8 ounces of warm water.
* Do not drink from a straw for the first 24 hours.
* Do not smoke, which can inhibit healing.
* Eat soft foods, such as soup, pudding, yogurt, or applesauce the day after the extraction. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as the extraction site heals.
* When lying down, prop your head with pillows. Lying flat may prolong bleeding.
* Continue to brush and floss your teeth, and brush your tongue, but be sure to avoid the extraction site. Doing so will help prevent infection.

Dr.Noushin Adhami D.D.S

#dentist #dental #dentistry #gumbleeding #hygienist #teeth
Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be a sign of periodontal diseases, especially gingivitis. Gums bleed mainly because of inadequate removal of plaque from teeth and gums, especially gum lines. If plaque is not removed from teeth and gums through regular brushing and flossing and professional dental cleanings by a general dentist, it will harden on the gum lines and lead to inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis and causes them to bleed. If not treated, it leads to increased bleeding and advanced gum and jawbone diseases called periodontitis. Eventually, it will destroy the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth and your teeth may become loose and fall out.
Bleeding of gums can also be sign of bleeding disorders, hormonal changes during pregnancy in women, ill-fitting dentures, infections related to teeth or gum, Leukemia, Scurvy, use of blood thinners or simply brushing too hard, improper flossing of deficiency in Vitamin K. Before you jump to any conclusions, consult with your general dentist about it.
Regular professional cleanings by a specialist can help prevent gingivitis and other gum diseases. Also regular checkups by your general dentist can determine any early signs of periodontal diseases (gum diseases) and your dentist can refer you to a periodontist to cure the problem before it irritates you or causes permanent damage to your teeth and gum.
Brush at least twice a day, but do it gently and with a soft-bristle toothbrush. Also, floss your teeth at least once a day to prevent plaque from building up between your teeth. If your gums bleed, make an appointment with our dentist at Vistasol dental, Dr. Noushin Adhami. Meanwhile apply pressure to the bleeding point with a gauze pad. You may rinse with salt water but avoid alcohol-containing mouthwashes. If you wear dentures consult with your orthodontist first.

Family Dentistry At Vistasol Dental

Practicing family dentistry has always been one of our greatest philosophy at Vistasol Dental Clinic in Montebello, where everyone are treated like a Family.
Family dental health plays a very important role in total personal hygiene. Oral and dental problems can lead to a lot of health problems. These problems are quite costly to cure, but can be cured, or completely prevented, with less hassle at an early stage through high-quality family dentistry. Having unhealthy teeth has a lot of disadvantages, not just on personal hygiene, but on personality and confidence as well. It can also greatly affect the hygiene of all family members and even change their lifestyle. Several bacterial problems caused by unhealthy teeth can affect the entire body and immune system, which in turn can spread through the family and affect other family members.

Kids learn about taking care of their teeth at home, and as they grow up, they take the responsibility of it. They also feel more comfortable if they go to the same dental clinic they parents go to. When all family members learn about dental and oral hygiene together, they can enforce it on each other and achieve better results, and therefore better family health. Family dental care is a necessity and should be consistently pursued through best quality family dentistry.

At Vistasol Dental clinic we pay close attention to our patients situations and understand the importance of treating and educating all family members together at one place. Our environment is kids friendly and we make sure they are comfortable and fear-free at our clinic. Furthermore, all the family’s dental needs are met at Vistasol Dental. Dr. Noushin Adhami performs in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry and pediatric dentistry and all the staff is well-educated and experienced.

To make an appointment either for your child or self please call at 323 346-0208

What is denture adhesive and do I need it?

Whether you are new to dentures, have worn them for years, or know someone who struggles with them, you likely have some questions about how best to get them to stay in place securely and comfortably. If your dentures fit well but you are looking for some extra security, denture adhesive can offer some piece of mind.

Denture adhesives are available in a few different forms including gel, paste, powders, and even pads, but knowing which to use, or even if adhesive is the right choice for you, can be difficult. Luckily we have everything you need to know about denture adhesives at the Vistasol Dental.

What is denture adhesive?
Denture adhesive is a product that is applied to the underside of dentures and comes into contact with the gums as the dentures are worn. The adhesive creates a layer between the dentures and the gums that make it more difficult for dentures to move around or slip out of place. Adhesive is suitable for both full and partial denture wearers who would appreciate a little extra security but should not be necessary to keep dentures in place.

Do I need to use denture adhesive?
Generally speaking, if dentures are properly fitted, denture adhesive is not necessary to keep them in place. If you feel that you need something to help your full or partial dentures stay in place, speak to your dentist about having your dentures refitted before attempting to fix the issue with adhesive. Over time and as you age, the supporting structures in your mouth can grow and change shape, causing dentures to no longer fit as well. Ill fitting dentures can cause soreness, injury, or damage of other teeth and should be properly fitted as soon as possible. If your dentures fit well but you are looking for some extra security, denture adhesive can offer some piece of mind. Adhesive is never recommended as a permanent solution to serious fitting problems with false teeth of any kind.

What types of denture adhesives are there?
Denture adhesives are available in a few different forms including gel, paste, powders, and even pads. Adhesives that come as gels or pastes are applied directly to the denture which is then put into the mouth. Powders on the other hand, need to be mixed with water as per the manufacturer’s instructions before being applied to dentures. Pads, also known as seals, require trimming to fit your unique dentures then are applied directly to dentures with the sticky side of the pad. The pad is then moistened before being put in the mouth.

How does it work?
For most adhesives, the saliva in the mouth changes the consistency of the adhesive to give it a stronger and more elastic grip. This grip keeps the dentures in place along the gum line. Each denture adhesive is slightly different so be sure to follow the application instructions given by the manufacturer very carefully. Denture adhesive should never ooze out from underneath dentures, and if it does there is significantly too much being applied.

Will it affect my dentures or my teeth?
Denture adhesives are not harmful to dentures or teeth but can become unsanitary if not cleaned away every evening. Dentures should always be taken out while sleeping and should never be stored with adhesive on them. Each application of denture adhesive is not meant to last longer than one use and not cleaning dentures thoroughly after this use can cause a buildup of bacteria that can lead to infections or other health issues.

General Dentist at Vistasol Dental Clinic in Montebello

Dr. Noushin Adhami D.D.S
General Dentist at Vistasol Dental Clinic in Montebello

The media is full of flashy advertisements about cosmetic dental treatments that can transform your smile and change your life. Although we hear more about these cosmetic dental treatments, more patients seek dental care for general dental issues than for any other type of dental problem. General dental treatments are procedures designed to improve or restore your oral health. This type of dentistry includes a variety of dental procedures.

Some general dental procedures are preventative. These treatments include fluoride treatments, protective sealants to help prevent tooth decay, as well as preventative programs designed to improve a patient’s oral health, reducing their chances of developing a cavity or periodontal disease.

Many general dental procedures involve restorative measures, meaning that they are designed to correct an existing oral health problem. These treatments include, but are not limited to, filling cavities, performing root canal therapy, treating periodontal disease, placing crowns to strengthen damaged teeth, placing inlays and onlays to restore areas of damaged or missing tooth on the chewing surface, Extraction of wisdom teeth , dental bonding and more.

General dental treatments can also be diagnostic. These procedures are designed to identify oral health issues before they develop into more serious complications. Diagnostic treatments include x-ray imaging to search for signs of tooth decay, impacted teeth, and other oral health problems. More advanced forms of imaging such as 3D images of the patient’s mouth or Panoramic dental X-Ray can also be used to help detect any abnormalities.

Routine examinations and cleanings are both diagnostic and preventative in nature, and they are the most frequent procedures performed by our general dentists at Vistasol Dental. Examinations identify signs of oral health problems, including cavities, signs of periodontal disease, signs of infection, and more. If our dentist locates an oral health issue, a follow up appointment will be scheduled to treat the compromised tooth.

Most patients should schedule a routine examination and cleaning every six months. Some patients, such as patients with ongoing oral health problems or patients with diabetes, may need more frequent appointments to monitor their oral health. If you have not had a general examination within the past six months, be sure to call your general dentist at Vistasol Dental Clinic at (323) 346-0208 to schedule an appointment.

What are Dental Crowns Used for?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped shells that can be used to cover damaged teeth or to help replace missing teeth. Crowns are one of the most frequently used cosmetic dental devices because they are easy to apply and they have many uses.
Dental crowns can help to fix a number of dental problems. Crowns are used to strengthen teeth that have been weakened by extensive drilling to remove a cavity, used to strengthen teeth that are cracked or chipped, used to cover teeth that have had enamel removed to accommodate a bridge, and even used to cover irregularly shaped teeth.
Dr Noushin Adhami, our experienced dentist at Vistasol Dental in Montebello often prefer to use dental crowns to restore damaged teeth because this procedure is less invasive. Instead of removing the damaged tooth to accommodate implant or bridges, she can preserve the remaining tooth structure with the application of a crown. This process is more efficient and less likely to cause infection or other undesirable side effects compared to other methods.
Crowns are also used to replace missing teeth. When a dentist places implants, crowns will finalize the restoration once the bone heals around the implant. The crown completely restores the missing tooth.
Crowns can be made from a variety of materials. Most patients prefer tooth-colored crowns that are indistinguishable from the natural teeth. Crowns that are made from ceramic or porcelain are strong and appear completely natural. They can even be color matched and shaped similar to the adjacent teeth. However, tooth-colored crowns are not quite as durable as metal crowns, which can be a disadvantage. Crowns placed on a molar should be able to withstand a large amount of biting force. Metal crowns, made from stainless steel or gold, are most ideal for placement in back teeth. These crowns are not as aesthetically pleasing as tooth colored crowns; however they are very durable and are unlikely to become damaged.
If you have a badly damaged, missing, or unsightly tooth, contact our dental clinic in Montebello to schedule a consultation about the possibility of getting a dental crown. Dr Noushin Adhami will be glad to examine the questionable tooth and recommend the best course of treatment.

What teeth reveal about the lives of modern humans

When anthropologists of the future find our fossilized teeth, what will they be able to conclude about our lives?
Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg has an idea. She is a professor of anthropology at The Ohio State University who studies fossilized teeth to answer questions about the life history, growth, and diet of primates and our human ancestors, as well as the relationships between different species.
In a new book, What Teeth Reveal About Human Evolution (Cambridge University Press, 2016), she gives a broad overview of what scientists have learned about our ancestors from studying fossilized teeth.
As for the teeth of humans living today — well, it is a good thing we have modern dentistry.
“We have teeth that were adapted for eating a very different diet than the one we eat today, at least in Western societies,” Guatelli-Steinberg said.
In the book, she noted that 99 percent of humans’ evolutionary history was spent eating foods that were hunted or gathered. Our current diets of soft, processed and sugary foods are nothing like the diets for which our teeth are adapted.
“Problems like cavities and plaque buildup have been magnified tremendously in humans today,” she said. “Natural selection has not prepared us well for the kinds of food we eat today.”
In addition to having much higher rates of cavities and plaque, modern humans are much more likely to have misaligned teeth that require orthodontic treatment or surgery.
“Soft diets do not stimulate jaw growth, and teeth, especially our third molars (wisdom teeth), become impacted,” she said.
In fact, third molar impaction became 10 times more common after the Industrial Revolution than it was previously.
Researchers like Guatelli-Steinberg learn a lot about early humans and our ancestors through an examination of teeth.
One reason that teeth provide so much information is simply that they are available. Teeth are the most preserved skeletal remains found in fossils. They are small and very mineralized, making them resistant to decomposition and able to maintain their original qualities, she said. Teeth also contain a record of a lot of aspects of their own development, including their chemistry and pathology.
“Teeth give us insights into a variety of aspects of evolution,” she said.
For example, researchers study the structure of teeth — like bumps and grooves — to see how species are related to one another.
Also, since the scale of dental development is related to overall development in most animals, researchers can use teeth to determine how long it took individuals of different species to grow to adulthood.
On the other end of life, researchers can study the amount of wear on fossilized teeth to get a very rough estimate of how old an adult was when he or she died.
And, of course, there is much to learn about diets.
Microscopic wear on the chewing surfaces of teeth can suggest what kind of food an individual ate.
“Different kinds of food can require different ways of bringing the teeth together. As that happens, the food will mark the teeth in different ways, depending on their properties,” she said.
The chemical composition of the teeth themselves is revealing. Scientists can identify the stable isotopes and trace elements in fossilized teeth to determine an individual’s diet.
Much of Guatelli-Steinberg’s own research has focused on using patterns of tooth growth to assess what life was like for the individuals under study.
“Tooth growth is disrupted in periods of severe physical stress, such as illness or starvation, so teeth can be a window to challenges that our ancestors faced,” she said.
In a 2004 study, Guatelli-Steinberg and colleagues used a scanning electron microscope to compare fossilized teeth of Neanderthals with those of modern Inuits, or Eskimos. The researchers were looking for tiny defects — horizontal lines and grooves in tooth enamel — that suggest the individuals were experiencing stress.
The results showed that Neanderthals did not have lives that were dramatically more difficult than those of the modern Eskimos — a finding that challenged traditional thinking at the time.
More recently, Guatelli-Steinberg has used a relatively new method of studying fossilized teeth to examine growth increments. The technique pioneered by anthropologist Tanya Smith, called X-ray synchrotron microtomography, uses a specialized imaging machine to see inside teeth without having to cut them up.
This allows researchers to create virtual sections of fossil teeth to see periods of growth, or when growth was interrupted, in increments as short as just a few days, she said.
Regardless of what new techniques are developed to study teeth, Guatelli-Steinberg said she expects future anthropologists will “likely have a field day” studying modern human teeth.
“In various cultures today, we have people who notch teeth, inlay them with jewels or gold, lengthen them, file them down and remove them altogether,” she said.
“One can only imagine what anthropologists will make of all the things we do to our teeth today.”

Oral Hygiene and Your Overall Health

Poor oral health has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. But by changing certain habits, you can improve the health of your mouth and teeth and lessen your risk.
How well you care for your teeth and gums has a powerful effect on your overall health. Neglecting your oral health lead to more than just sore teeth and bad breath — it can open the door to all sorts of health problems, including diseases like oral cancer. Researchers have found possible connections between gum problems and heart disease, bacterial pneumonia, stroke, and even problem pregnancies.
“You cannot be healthy with an unhealthy mouth any more than one can be healthy with an infected foot,” says Dr. Noushin Adhami D.D.S General & Cosmetic dentist at Vistasol Dental Clinic.
Sugar consumption.
Having a sugar-laden diet will contribute to tooth decay and gum problems, as the bacteria in the mouth thrive in this environment. producing tooth and gum-destroying enzymes and acids.
Dental care experts have long known that smoking cigarettes and cigars and using tobacco products can cause periodontal disease (gum disease), tooth decay, and oral cancer. Cigars can also cause periodontal disease and throat, or pharyngeal, cancer.
The smoke from tobacco has a toxic effect on gum tissue, and can interfere with blood flow. Smoking also stains the heck out of teeth, is a direct cause of oral cancer, and can contribute to bad breath.
Drinking alcohol.
Drinking can contribute to oral problems indirectly by resulting in a dehydrated mouth, which can allow bacteria to run rampant. In addition, people who have alcohol addiction issues are probably less likely to consistently follow good dental care habits.
Changes in weight.
For those who wear dentures, changes in body weight tend to affect the way dentures fit. Just as weight gain or loss affects the way clothes fit, that gain or loss also affects the gum pads on which dentures rest. To help maintain a healthy weight and fight tooth decay, the ADA ( American Dental Association) advises people to eat a diet rich in high-fiber fruits and vegetables.
Some medications, for example, some antibiotics, can cause internal staining of teeth, such as tetracycline staining, depending on the age at which you take them. Also, there are 200 to 400 medications, prescribed or over-the-counter, that have the side effect of drying up saliva. A dry mouth is more prone to gum disease and tooth decay, as well as bad breath.
Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body
To maintain your oral health and overall good health you should see your dentist regularly to head off any problems early. You should also practice good oral hygiene at home by carefully brushing and flossing your teeth regularly in order to prevent plaque from accumulating and causing problems. There is nothing a dentist can do that a patient can’t undo by neglecting their dental care.

What is the Purpose of Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a useful and versatile cosmetic dental procedure that is highly effective for treating a number of cosmetic dental problems. Bonding involves the use of a special resin that is applied to teeth and hardened with a special light to affix it permanently to the teeth.

Dental bonding is typically used to treat specific cosmetic dental issues. These issues include:

Repair cracked or chipped teeth
Fill cavities
Cover discolored or badly stained teeth
Improve spacing between teeth
Reshape irregularly-shaped or unusually small teeth
Lengthen teeth
Cover tooth roots exposed by periodontal disease

Dr. Noushin Adhami at Vistasol Dental recommends dental bonding when the patient suffers from more than one cosmetic dental problem because this procedure is an efficient and cost effective method for fixing a number of cosmetic dental issues at once. In addition, the process of applying dental bonding is not invasive and it does not involve the use of dental surgery.

To place dental bond, our dentist will first select the proper shade of resin. Resin can be custom matched to the patient’s teeth, or a brighter shade of resin can be chosen if the patient is applying dental bonds to improve the appearance of stained teeth. Teeth will then be prepared in order to accommodate for dental bonding. Special tools will be used by our Montebello dentist in order to slightly roughen the tooth enamel, forming an ideal surface for the bond to adhere to. The material will then be applied directly onto the teeth, shaped and polished to the desired shape. Finally, dental bonding material will be cured with an ultraviolet light or with a laser.

Dental bond has several advantages over other methods of treating cosmetic dental problems. Dental bonding can usually be completed in just one office visit. This contrasts with dental veneers or crowns, which require two or more visits as well as a waiting period while the dental laboratory creates the custom set of veneers or crowns.

This method of fixing cosmetic dental problems is not quite as durable as crowns or veneers, however. The dental bond can chip or break more easily and it is also more prone to stains than porcelain or ceramic.

If you are interested in learning more about dental bonding, contact our cosmetic dentist in Montebello at vistasol dental. Dr. Noushin Adhami, doctor of dental surgery will examine your teeth and recommends a method of treating your cosmetic dental problem that is appropriate for your unique needs.